Organizers of the Event
Organizing Committee
Meet the team:

Head of Organizing Committee
Junior at Shibuya High School

Vice Head of Organizing Committee
Junior at Shibuya High School

Vice Head of Organizing Committee
Junior at Shibuya High School
Other Team Leaders in the Organizing Committee
Events Team: Akira M. (Junior at Shibuya High School)
Media Design Team: Hakuho S. (Junior at Shibuya High School)
PR Team: Yurika S. (Junior at Shibuya High School)
Tech Team: Sota S. (Junior at Shibuya High School)
Finance Team: Toshitaka O. (Junior at Shibuya High School)

Shibuya Junior & Senior High School
Our Philosophy
The school motto, translated as ‘Seek and Think for Oneself,’ embodies the educational philosophy of Shibuya Kyoiku Gakuen Shibuya Junior and Senior High School (Shibu Shibu). At Shibu Shibu, we strive to foster a spirit of independence and intellectual curiosity in our students by providing a learning environment which is conducive to these aims.
This fact is reflected in the specific educational benchmarks established for each grade, and the emphasis we place on goal-setting. We strive to help students to increase their natural appetite for a wide breadth of topics, deepen their own awareness of the world around them, and so realize their full intellectual and emotional potential.
International Education
One of the paramount aims of our school is to foster multicultural awareness in our students. One way in which we accomplish this is through homestays and educational exchange programs. Through such opportunities, we hope to instill tolerance and an understanding of non-Japanese cultures in our students. We also encourage a multiplicity of perspectives through a comprehensive language arts program in English designed for students who have returned to Japan after several years of living abroad, and whose linguistic and educational needs are somewhat different from those of their peers.
These ‘returnee’ students currently comprise about 10% of the student body. By encouraging such students to maintain their cross-cultural ties through specially tailored curricula, we not only ensure a multiplicity of student perspectives, but also create opportunities for non-returnee students to benefit from exposure to different viewpoints.
Curriculum and Post-secondary Admission
The Shibu Shibu curriculum is based on the standards and requirements of the Japanese government for middle and high school education. In the course of the six years of education students receive, they study Japanese language and literature, English, mathematics, science, social studies, art, and home economics in a balance that underscores our emphasis on the importance of breadth in education.
The University Application Committee at our school actively involves the students, their homeroom teachers, and the parents in an effort to provide individualized assistance to each student who plans to apply to university. As a result of this cooperative effort, 99% of all Shibu Shibu graduates enter an institution of higher education: 20% go on to national or public universities, 76% enter private universities and colleges in Japan, and 2% enter foreign universities or colleges.
The principal receiving institutions domestically are Tokyo University, Tokyo College of Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Waseda University, Keio University, and Sophia University. Among the principal receiving institutions abroad are Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford University, Yale University, Columbia University, and the University of Pennsylvania.
See the Shibuya Junior & Senior High School websites for more information about our school.
Shibuya Campus: https://www.shibushibu.jp/
Makuhari Campus: https://www.shibumaku.jp/
150-0002 JAPAN.
The School
In Collaboration With
Coming soon.